With this work I propose a new reflection on the different spaces where the contemporary work of art is inscribed in addition to presenting a new interrogation on what cities as the great scenery of the world motivate and comprise. In this work I speak of limits, of the fragile frontiers separating the “public“ from the “private“, of the inside and the outside, of the imprecise limits that can be drawn on the surface of a postcard that travels from one place in the world to another, of the multiple paths “opening up“ through a powerful network that is at the same time invisible such as the Internet which allows us to be there when actually we are somewhere else, of all that occurs and happens in the urban space.

   Who stalks us while we walk? Who observes us when we’re lost in the streets of our city? Who is that other one whose eyes meet ours? Who is at this moment reading these words “on the other side“ of the screen?

   And then: Where is the memory of the cities inscribed? Where does the gaze of its inhabitants, its travelers, its invaders, its expelled remain inscribed? I’m speaking of gazes. Of all kinds of looks. Including the beastly gazes that inhabit the streets of all the cities in the world, gazes whose pupils as they fix on mine, make my frail certainties and confidence falter.

   I invite all of you who wish to do so to contribute your eyes, your gaze, to this site so that through it another limit, another territory, can manifest itself joining in this manner and in a common space (of the web) the multiple and diverse frontiers that constitute our contemporary world.

   For four months the fiction of this work will constitute an everyday reality. Along with this website and the installation at Fondaco dei Tedescchi –Venice’s Central Post Office- a postal action and an urban interference in the streets and on the walls of the city of Venice will also take place.

   This sector of the Web site will only be available for the duration of the Biennial.

  Graciela Sacco

Translation: Marilyn Grandi. e-mail: marilyngrandi@usa.net